Agile & Scrum: The Similarities, Differences, and Why They Matter

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If you’ve been working in the software or digital product space, there’s a good chance you’ve heard the word “Agile” and “Scrum” mentioned around you. With the growing popularity of both these concepts, I’ve been getting more questions about how they relate and compare to each other.

What exactly are they? How are they different or better than each other? And more importantly, why they even matter?

So, let’s break all that down in this article.

What is Agile?

Agile is a concept in software development which aims to revolutionise the way software is developed, guiding teams towards building better softwares in an increasingly unpredictable and competitive market. This approach is all about engaging closely with customers and team members, favouring small, iterative deliveries over big, lengthy product launches.

Smaller deliveries mean you can quickly build, deliver, and learn about what the market thinks of your product. Each delivery brings you valuable customer insights, allowing you to continually improve your products.

This strategy helps companies to better adapt with rapid market changes and launch successful products.

Agile is based on a set of values and principles expressed in the Agile Manifesto. The Manifesto values:

  • Individuals & interactions over processes & tools

  • Working software over comprehensive documentation

  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiations

  • Responding to change over following a plan

What is Scrum?

Scrum is an effective framework particularly suited for developing complex and uncertain products. Fundamentally, Scrum is about adopting an iterative approach where teams engage in short, focused periods of work known as sprints. These sprints, usually spanning one to four weeks, are dedicated to incrementally delivering smaller components of a larger product. This method allows for a structured yet flexible development process.

A unique part of Scrum is its reliance on specific goals for each sprint, encouraging a high degree of collaboration among team members. During these sprints, team members come together to rapidly plan, track, and review their progress.

At the heart of Scrum is the Scrum Team, a collaborative unit working within loosely structured processes, known as Scrum Events. These events are designed to foster teamwork and creativity, leading to the production of Scrum Artifacts - the valuable work produced by the team. All these components form a highly collaborative environment to enable the delivery of high quality digital products.

Comparing Agile & Scrum

Understanding the relationship between Agile and Scrum can be a bit confusing, but it's best to think of Agile as a broad approach or an 'umbrella concept' for software development, with various methods for its implementation.

Scrum is one of the many frameworks that implement the Agile concept. It's rooted in Agile principles and is known for its emphasis on flexibility and frequent iteration. This focus on adaptability and continuous improvement makes Scrum one of the most popular methodologies within the Agile framework.

The Scrum framework specifically showcases Agile values and principles through its approach to rapid development. Teams working within this framework focus on iterative planning, building, and delivering their work. This process is highly collaborative, involving not just the team members but also their customers.

The key to Scrum’s success lies in its emphasis on learning from each delivery, using these insights to continuously improve the product. This dynamic approach ensures that teams can respond quickly to changes and customer feedback, driving better product development.

Other Popular Agile Frameworks

Beyond Scrum, there are other well-known Agile frameworks, each with its own unique features suitable to different needs. Let's take a closer look at some of them.


Kanban is all about visual workflow management. It's a fantastic fit for projects that need constant delivery and aren't overly complex. The beauty of Kanban lies in its board, a tool that helps teams visually track their workflow, making it easier to spot and address any bottlenecks that might pop up.


Lean takes its cues from manufacturing principles and is all about doing more with less — maximising value while cutting out waste. This method is especially valuable for startups and product development teams that are looking to be as efficient as possible and deliver products swiftly.

eXtreme Programming (XP)

XP is all about quality and frequent updates. It emphasises creating top-notch software with regular releases and incorporating customer feedback along the way. XP is a great choice for teams that are focused on continuously enhancing the quality of their product and staying on top of their customers’ evolving needs.

Which Agile Framework is Right for Your Team?

Choosing the ideal Agile framework for your team isn't a one-size-fits-all decision. It highly depends on a few factors that are unique to your team and business. To make an informed choice, consider the specific goals of your company, the structure of your team, and the nature of the your work. Each framework under the Agile umbrella comes with its own strengths and is tailored to address different types of work conditions and challenges.

It's important to align the framework with your team's working style and the objectives you want to achieve. For example, a framework like Scrum might be ideal for teams dealing with complex, evolving projects where adaptability and iterative feedback are key. On the other hand, a more predictable and continuous flow of tasks might be better managed under the Kanban system.

Understanding the unique dynamics of your team and work will guide you in selecting a framework that not only complements but also enhances your productivity and project outcomes.


In summary, you’ve learned about Agile & Scrum, and the distinct roles they play in software development. Agile, as a broad, adaptive approach, sets the stage for a range of frameworks like Scrum, which is celebrated for its flexibility and iterative nature.

Alongside Scrum, we've explored other Agile frameworks such as Kanban, Lean, and XP, each offering unique advantages tailored to various project needs. The choice of the right Agile framework for your team depends on a thorough understanding of your company's objectives, team structure, and the specific nature of your work.

Aligning the chosen framework with your team's style and goals is key to enhancing productivity and delivering successful products. As the landscape of software development continues to evolve, Agile methodologies, with their focus on collaboration, adaptability, and customer feedback, remain key in navigating the challenges of modern software projects.


Looking for right agile framework for your team? We can help.

Talk to us today to find out how we can provide the right approach for you.


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