boostkamp - best agile scrum master training coaching Jakarta Indonesia

Simplifying how your leaders and teams work, to bring better results.

We boost the capabilities of leaders and their teams, to deliver better value for their business and customers.

Rez Harditya - boostkamp agile scrum master training coaching Jakarta Indonesia

Rez Harditya

Founder, Principal Consultant

Boostkamp was founded as a response to a simple but compelling observation. We noticed many companies were spending too much time and money on unvalidated ideas and complicated processes that hold teams back from growing and doing exceptional work.

Leaders and their teams often found themselves lost in unclear directions, juggling conflicting priorities, and struggling with complex procedures that led to wasted resources, instead of creating value.

Having seen how these situations greatly impacted the team’s morale and performance, we created Boostkamp to focus on what truly matters in any business – its people.

Our goal is to empower your leaders and teams with the right mindset and skills to grow into high-performing teams. Fostering a culture of innovation through easy-to-follow, efficient, and productive ways of working firmly rooted in agile principles.

Boostkamp best team building performance training Jakarta Indonesia

Our Vision

To be the leading agile consultancy that enables companies to uplift their leaders and teams into engaged and proud individuals, with the mindset and ability to produce high-value outcome for their business and customers.

Boostkamp best team building performance training Jakarta Indonesia

Our Mission

Guided by our vision, we’re here to help your teams succeed.

Put simply, we aim to improve the success rate of your teams in achieving their goals. We do this by uplifting the capabilities of your leaders and teams, providing them with the conceptual and practical guidance to simplify and improve how they work together.

Mainly, we help you to better define and achieve success, so you can adapt and thrive in this ever-changing and competitive market.

Our Team

We are a network of seasoned agile coaches and practitioners with extensive experience in helping teams all over the world (AU, NZ, UK, US, SG, and more) embrace agile ways of working, to create enjoyable working culture and deliver better products.

As individuals, we aim to share insights and knowledge from our own experience in building great products and nurturing high-performing teams.

As a team, we bring a wealth of expertise from many different industries and practices to help you reach your goals.