Is Your Co-Worker Toxic? Here Are 5 Reasons Why

Is Your Co-Worker Toxic? Here Are 5 Reasons Why - boostkamp agile training coaching transformation Indonesia

Toxic co-workers can be a huge challenge in the workplace. They can make your working life unbearable, especially when their behaviour seem unprovoked or unreasonable that makes it harder to understand why they behave the way they do.

If you're experiencing negative interactions with a co-worker and can't figure out why, here are five reasons why your co-worker may be unreasonably toxic towards you:

1. They feel their position/role is threatened

If your co-worker perceive you as a threat to their position or role, they may become unreasonably toxic towards you. This could be because you're new to the team and they feel their expertise is being challenged, or because you've been given a new role that they feel should have been theirs. In these cases, their behavior may be an attempt to assert their dominance and protect their position.

When this happens, they may try to intimidate you, ignore you or make it difficult for you to do your job. In this case, it's important to communicate with them and show them that you're not a threat. You can do this by being friendly, asking for their opinion or feedback, and acknowledging their expertise.

2. They feel inadequate

When a co-worker feel inadequate in comparison to you, they may also project toxic behaviours toward you. This could happen if you're more experienced, have better skills, or are achieving more than they are. Because by raising the bar on the quality of work, you are making it harder for them to get recognition, since it means they need to work harder.

In these cases, they may resent you, and try to bring you down to make themselves feel better.

When this happens, it's important to show empathy towards them and try to understand their perspective. You can also offer to help them improve their skills or offer them support in their projects.

3. They feel intimidated

Your co-worker may also exhibit toxic behaviour towards you if they feel intimidated by you. This could happen if you're more senior, have more authority or expertise, or if you're more confident than they are. They may see you as a threat to their own position or status in the workplace, and try to undermine you to protect themselves.

In this case, it's important to be aware of their behaviour and address it directly. You can do this by setting boundaries, speaking up when you feel disrespected, and seeking support from your manager or HR department if necessary.

4. They are going through difficulties outside of work

Toxic behaviour can also be a result of personal difficulties that your co-worker may be experiencing outside of work. They may be going through a difficult time in their personal life or struggling with mental health issues, and their behavior towards you may be a result of their own stress and anxiety. In these cases, their behavior may not be directed towards you personally, but rather a result of their own struggles.

In this case, it's important to be patient and show empathy towards them. You can offer them support or suggest that they seek help from a professional.

5. Unresolved Conflicts with others at work

Finally, co-worker may exhibit toxic behaviour towards you if they have unresolved conflicts with others in the workplace. They may be holding onto existing resentment or negative feelings that they also project towards you, because they perceive you as someone who can potentially wrong them in the future.

In this case, it's important to try and understand their perspective and address any past issues. You can do this by having an open and honest conversation with them, or seeking help from a mediator or your HR department.


In conclusion, dealing with toxic co-workers can be challenging, but it's important to deal with the situation properly and protect yourself.

When possible, try to identify the root cause of their behaviour and address it accordingly. Whether it's by communicating with them, seeking support from your boss, or reaching out to your HR department, it's essential to create a healthy and respectful work environment for yourself and your colleagues.

Remember, toxic behaviour is never acceptable, and everyone deserves to feel safe and respected in the workplace.


Cover photo: unsplash/@martino_pietropoli


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