Top 3 Questions Everyone Has on Agile Coaching

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While more and more companies have opted agile coaching as a way to improve their ways of working, many others are still on the fence on the concept of agile.

If you’ve been considering agile coaching or would like to know more about what goes on inside an agile coaching program, here are some answers on popular questions I’ve gathered so far that can help you decide.

Here are top three FAQs about agile coaching

  1. Is coaching done on an individual or team level?

    Agile coaching is mostly done on a team level. This means an agile coach mainly works with the entire team to improve their performance and create a more efficient and effective workflow. The coach may also work with individual team members on specific issues or areas of improvement. However, the focus is on helping the team as a whole improve their performance and processes.

  2. Is there any requirement before receiving agile coaching?

    There are no specific requirements before receiving agile coaching. An agile coach will assess the team's current situation and identify areas for improvement, regardless of the team's previous experience with agile methodologies. This means whether your team is new to agile or has been doing it for a while, agile coaching can be beneficial.

  3. How does agile coaching work?

    Agile coaching involves an interactive collaboration between an agile coach and the team. To give you a better idea, here are examples of agile coaching activities:

  • Defining who you are, and your customers

    An agile coach will help you and your team clarify your mission and values, as well as understand your customers' needs and preferences. This can help you create a more focused and effective product or service.

  • Identifying where you are (current state) and your destination (your desired goals & the value you want to bring to the world)

    Once you have your goals locked in, an agile coach will help you assess where your team is currently at, and where you would like to go. They will also help you clarify your long-term goals and the value you want to bring to the world.

  • Breaking down goals and plot an actionable plan

    Based on your current situation and desired goals, an agile coach will help you plot a tangible plan to your goals. This includes breaking down your goals into smaller, manageable steps to increase your focus and manage your progress better.

  • Execute the plan and measure your progress

    Once you start working towards your goals, your agile coach will help you set up checkpoints to regularly measure your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your plan.

  • Continually inspect and adapt your efforts along the way

    Every new goal comes with a new set of challenges. An agile coach can help you and your team weather the storm by regularly reviewing your priorities and processes, and adjusting your efforts to ensure you are working as efficiently and effectively as possible.

In a coaching program, an agile coach typically works closely with you in your day-to-day activities. Since every company is different, an agile coaching program will be designed specifically to fit you and your customers’ needs.

Have a look at my previous article to learn more about the main benefits teams can get from agile coaching.


Agile coaching benefits any team that is looking to improve their performance and increase efficiency. Whether you're new to agile or have been doing it for years, agile coaching can help bring your team to the next level.

If you're interested in implementing agile coaching in your company, try finding a coach with the right experience and skills to meet your team's needs. Look for a coach with a proven track record of helping teams improve their performance and create more efficient and effective workflows.

With the right coach, agile coaching can be a valuable tool for improving your team's performance and driving success.


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