Delivering Value

A collection of practical guides to step up your performance and deliver exceptional work.

Top 3 Questions Everyone Has on Agile Coaching
Agile Rez Harditya Agile Rez Harditya

Top 3 Questions Everyone Has on Agile Coaching

Agile coaching involves helping teams adopt agile practices, such as working in short sprints, regularly reassessing priorities, and continuously improving processes.

But if you're new to agile coaching, you might have a few questions. Read more to find top three FAQs about agile coaching.

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Stop Trying To Scale Agile
Agile, Leadership Rez Harditya Agile, Leadership Rez Harditya

Stop Trying To Scale Agile

When people talk about scaling agile, they often treat ‘scaling’ as binary. The problem with this is: it implies scaled agile is an absolute destination, and therefore has an end point.

Here’s what you can do instead.

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What Is Agile, and Why Does It Matter?
Agile Rez Harditya Agile Rez Harditya

What Is Agile, and Why Does It Matter?

Agile is the mindset to regularly fine-tune your actions to get things done better. It’s a concept which translates into practical activities that will make you be more aware of your situation, your goals, and repeatable actions that will move you forward.

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3 Things Your Agile Coach Doesn’t Tell You
Agile Rez Harditya Agile Rez Harditya

3 Things Your Agile Coach Doesn’t Tell You

As agile coaches, our deep connection with clients have led us to quite important realisations about agile in the real world. However, although important, somehow they are rarely talked about.

Read this article to find out more.

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